I have come up with two more interesting theories. One on the Mayan Calendar [ Yesshh. One more theory. Bloody never ending conshpiracy theories :P]. The other one is on Deja Vu's and Tangent Universes. What is common between these two theories..?? Movies.. :P That too movies starting with the letter 'D'.. :D
Okay... The First One is based on the movie 'District 9'. Although a lot of people say it an OK type movie, I say it was a brilliant one...!! Nice to see the prawns prancing all over Johannesburg.
Now, In the movie [Spoiler Alert] one of the lead characters Wikas Van Der Merwe transforms into a prawn too. He tries helping a Father-Son Prawn Duo to get out of earth. While leaving the Father Prawn says " I will return in 3 years ". The movie ends with hints of a sequel called 'District 10'.
Now the Prawn says that it will return in 3 years. the movie got released in 2009. which means sequel is will hit the screens somewhere in 2012. Oh! did I say 2012..?? The doomsday year..??
Yes, People... According to me this a big movie cover up. 21.12.2012 is a Friday. The only thing thats gonna happen on that day is the worldwide release of 'District 10' :P :D
Cool theory right..? Next theory in the next blog.. A lot of 'research' is being done still.. But its definitely worth a wait.. Until then Happy Ugadi... Tchau